Our main assets: agility and commitment.

Millesime Group NPO

No matter what position you need to fill, no matter what the challenges or constraints, no matter what type of guidance you need, Millésime is a standard bearer in the recruitment field.

With Millésime, transactional considerations are secondary to relationships. We believe in maintaining the highest standards of professional ethics, a position backed by our flexible approach. Productive collaboration with our clients ensures the success of each recruitment mission.

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Our services

Millésime focuses on a rigorous approach and customized guidance, and our services are focused primarily on executive recruitment as well as consulting when needed.

Executive search

Attracting top-tier passive candidates, selecting the very best talent, confidentiality: executive search gives companies undeniable competitive advantages.

How it works

Our team

You can count on our experts to run an executive search mission, advise your team, or spearhead all your recruitment activities.